Saturday, June 25, 2016

Day 4: Withdrawal.

Yesterday, in a meeting, my hands started shaking uncontrollably. Maybe it was because the room was cold, or my blood sugar was low. Or, as I just learned, maybe it was because withdrawal peaks about 72 hours after the last drink.
It was 60 hours since my last one.

Alcohol really is a poison, and I think I really have hurt myself. The rest of the day, I felt weak and fatigued, and my stomach was unsettled. I knew that having a drink might make me feel better, but I was not going there.
This morning I nearly leapt out of bed because I felt so refreshed and ready to take on the day.
I'm down a pound and almost a quarter of an inch on my thigh. I'm having small but frequent BMs.

During the day, I still feel tired a lot. I read that it takes a good 30 days for the mental fog to lift. I probably consume too much caffeine. But that is a problem to tackle another day. One thing at a time.

I wonder what the weekend will be like without drinking. Instead of dreading it, I'm going to focus on taking the approach of "try and see". Maybe it won't be so bad. I need to plan something to look forward to on Friday night, to replace the drinking. I am thinking laying on the couch, reading trash magazines and eating popsicles. Sounds divine.

I'm amazed by the body's capacity to heal.


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