Sunday, November 6, 2016

Post Whole "24"

Well I had made it to 24 days out of the original 30 before I quit after that little fiasco.

Fortunately, my measurements went down a little, although they are still not where they were prior to Whole30. My metabolism has definitely changed. Now, my body clings to weight.

I recovered from that terrible weekend from hell. When I got the courage to weigh myself again, I was relieved that the scale had 'only' gone up 3 lbs since I had started Whole30. Most people get to lose weight, but not me. I know it sounds like I"m having a pity party but I'm just at a loss. I know how to lose weight, but what I know isn't working any more. Something has changed.

So I'm learning to live with it. Part of me is terrified it will never stop, but part of me just wants to move on with my life and not let this hold me back. I'm still at the very low end of a 'healthy' weight range for my height. Many might say that the few 'extra' pounds (compared to a year ago) look good on me. There's so much more I want to do with my life than be obsessed with a number on a scale. That does not define me.

The past few weeks after Whole24 have had their ups and downs. Mentally I'm in a better place, maybe in part because I started an old medication back up. I have energy again.

It's going to be okay.

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